Saturday, November 27, 2010

I discovered I can multi-task.

Who ever is in charge of the rain needs to get more organised. After 10 years of drought they've decided to have rain, now, ALL AT ONCE!

I don't like it. I didn't get to go on a walk yesterday and it makes my courtyard all puddles so I get wet tootsies when I need to pee. It rained and rained and rained all yesterday and last night so I wouldn't go out. By this morning I was busting. But I still wouldn't go out, I was worried my toes might dissolve out there. I was kinda thinking I could wait until everyone was somewhere else in the house and then just wee on the floor behind the couch. Hey, it's worked for me before now.

But Mum made Dad coax me outside with my favorite biscuit and then I realised that I can pee and poop even with wet feet, I never realised how good I am at multi-tasking before. I'm still not keen on getting my feet wet though so I'm hoping it gets more like summer real soon and the rain goes away.

PS Do sheep like mud?

Friday, November 26, 2010

It wasn't my fault! Truly. It was the other dog.

Last time I went herding I had a little altercation with another dog. I was minding my own business, busily sniffing all the interesting smells when another dog decided I was too close and snapped at me. Well! I'm not taking that from anyone, so I snapped back and then he jumped up and snarled, and well you get the gist of what happened next.

My Mum didn't like us arguing so she jumped up and yelled "no" and pulled me back. I was busy concentrating on giving the other dog a piece of my mind, so I wasn't ready for the big tug on my lead. I kind of came flying back and bashed into my Mum's knee. There was a very loud crack but my Mum just soldiered on, so I figured she was OK and we went and herded sheep some more.

My Mum has gone and had something called an MRI. I don't know what it is exactly, but it told her that when I bashed into her knee I cracked the bone. Oops, it wasn't my fault! I didn't mean it! I just won't put up with other dogs picking on me. I think it's important to assert myself. And I can take care of myself. My Mum should have just let me give that grumpy boy a proper piece of my mind.

Sorry Mum!!! How long before we can go herding again??
(Well come on..........priorities here) :-)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Thank you Troy and Laura

My Mum took a long weekend and did an agility workshop in NSW. She didn't take me and I don't understand why! She went to a dog friendly facility in a beautiful valley with dog friendly cabins and a river to swim in. It sounds great to me, I just wish I could have gone and met all the other dogs too, there were 3 other sheepies there.

But it was still a fun weekend. Troy and Laura came and stayed and looked after us. They let Rastus and I sit on them and snuggle with them. Here is a photo of me snuggling on the weekend.

My Mum is still asking me how I got my face so dirty, 'cause she washed it before she left. She doesn't realise that it's a skill that I have. It never takes me long to get a dirty face. I can always stick it under the couch cushions or in a pot plant in the back courtyard and voila ............. its dirty just like that. EASY.

Rastus and I had fun and got spoilt lots and Rowdy showed Troy and Laura why his name is Rowdy. We've all agreed that Troy and Laura come come over any time they want.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Thith theep herding ith dangerouth!!

It wath very hot work herding theep yetherday stho my tongue wath hanging out a long way to help me cool off.

I have a lovely big, magnifithent tongue even if I do thay tho mythelf. You can sthee it here after I wath chathing my favorite sthqueaky ball.

I gave one of the theep a nip to get it to hurry along and accthidentally bit my own tongue. Yowie!!! There wath lotth of blood and it got all over my whiteth. My Mom was a bit grumpy with me about that. Sthee thaid it therved me right for being mean to the theep.

I sthill enjoyed mythelf though but will remember to keep my tongue out of the way nexth time I want to nip a theep.


Yay!! Woohoo!!!!

I went sheep herding again today!
Why does everyone one keep telling me that I need to slow down and gain self control?

Watch this video, I'm having a blast.

Hee, hee my Mum was pooped from chasing me. She should lose that rake though. It cramps my style

Friday, November 5, 2010

Get Well Wishes

I am sending a "GET WELL" message to Mexico. It's a special one for my friend Princess Camille's Grandma.

Princess Camille's Mom Monica made me lots of pretty bows for my hair with some special ones for Christmas. She is visiting her Mom now so Monica please tell your Mom to get better and give her a special Sheepie kiss from me.

I am sending her this picture of me waving.
Love Tiggy.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


My Mum spent this long weekend (that's a whole 3 days) staying at my Aunty Lisa's and going to dog shows with my cousins Syd and Babs. And ................ she did NOT take me!!!

I would have loved to go. As long as I just got to sit and laugh at my tomboy cousin Babs, while they did frou frou things to her hair. I wouldn't want any of that girlie, fussy stuff happening to me. It would interfere with my socialising and enjoyment of the day. But it would have been fun to go and meet all those other different dogs. I heard my Mum telling my Dad that there was a Puli at the show on the last day with some of the sheepies. Now I've never met a Puli before and I think I would like to find out what they look like.

And my furDad was there too. He hasn't seen me since I was a baby. I think it would have been nice to get a chance to catch up on the family news and for me to say "hello" to my breeder. I'm sure I could have been fairly well behaved. I probably would have just pulled on my lead a bit when I got excited. And maybe it would have been hard to sit still, but that's ok. Dogs who sit still too much are boring and not as loveable as excitable me.

There was even a dinner because it was the OES National Championship Show but the dogs didn't get to go. I just can't figure that out. How does it work that the OES aren't at the OES Champ Show dinner? I bet there were good things to eat, like chicken and beef and you know, desserts and stuff. But they took the dogs home or left them in their crates in the cars. This does not make sense and is VERY unjust if you ask me. 'Course no one did.

There is only one positive thing I have to say about the whole disgraceful weekend. And that is, that after thoroughly sniffing my Mum up and down and all over I can definitely and categorically say that my Mum didn't go anywhere near any sheeps. So thank goodness I didn't miss out on the bestest thing in the whole world. I would have been very cross if there were sheeps to herd and I missed out!