Wednesday, April 6, 2011

So I didn't feel like running - ok!

Monday night we went to the big shed to do agility training. I'm always happy about it. I get a ride in the car and lots of treats. I always know when we're going because my Mum cuts up lots of yummy treats and puts them in a special pouch that she wears.

She was busy cutting up treats on Monday when the phone rang, so she filled up the pouch and then left without me. I wasn't happy about that so I needed a way to ease the disappointment. And lo and behold my Mum had left the luncheon meat loaf on the island bar. It was a bit of a stretch but I got it and it was so tasty that before I new it I'd finished the lot. 

Mum was back fairly soon with my Dad, something about problems with the train. And she and I set off straight away for the drive to agility. Usually I like to run and jump as much as I can get away with at agility. But this week I was quite sedate. I still ate my  treats, "never knock back a treat" is my motto. But I was feeling pretty full so the running and jumping wasn't as attractive as usual. I could see my Mum was puzzled and I heard her tell my Dad when we got home. She was wondering if I felt sick or if I was grumpy because I hadn't had a walk all day.

I was feeling quite pleased with myself as I figured I'd gotten away scot free with eating a half a loaf of luncheon meat. But my Mum came home from work and wanted to do some training and searched all through the fridge for the meat and then remembered the plastic bag she found on the floor at breakfast that she thought my Dad left there from the shopping. And then she cast her evil eye in my direction. I of course looked innocent. There was NO WAY she could categorically pin it on me. It could have been Rastus, it could have been burglars, it could have been anyone.

Unfortunately nature took it's course and I had to poop. My Mum was on "poop patrol" so she saw the bits of white plastic that looked just like the wrapper of the luncheon meat in my poop. Now she has evidence and she says she understands why I drank so much water on Monday night that I peed a lake on the living room floor. Apparently there's a quite a lot of salt in luncheon meat so that's why I was so thirsty. She says at least she knows she doesn't have to take me to the vets in case of urinary infection or other illness.

She says my name is Piggy Tiggy!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Tiggy...Sam, Nola, and I never get tired of your antics! :)
