Friday, August 19, 2011

Revenge Sweet Revenge

My uprights left and went on holidays without my permission. A lovely person stayed at my house and fed and played with me but I was worried about my uprights. I put on a brave face and even managed to distract myself with the odd jolly ball game. See below.

But really I was so worried all the time. Where were they? Were they coming back? Were they (gasp) dead?

Well they eventually turned up and they had sun tans and bags that smelled ....... well, they smelled I don't know ..... different, spicy and a bit kind of manky sock. I was very glad to have them back but after I got over the relief I started to get a bit narky. I mean I was WORRIED, fretting even despite the jolly ball games and loving all over the feeder person and her friends. I was worried that my proper pack would never return. How could they go and leave me like that?

So I took matters into my own hands and sought revenge. The uprights had the nerve to go and leave me home alone again less than 24 hours after they deigned to return, so while they were out (supermarket shopping for Pete's sake) I raided the kitchen cupboards.

I am an expert at removing lids from plastic bottles even if I do say so myself. So I removed the lid from a bottle of glucosamine (only about 15 tablets left, very tasty), a bottle of fish oil capsules (somewhere in the vicinity of 25 tablets, my favorite flavour), a nearly full bottle of vitamin B tablets (bleh tasted horrible only chewed on one of them) and a bottle of valerian capsules (I love capsules, so chewy. I ate the lot, somewhere in the vicinity of 20 capsules give or take a few).

My uprights were unhappy to see all the bottles with lids chewed off and the pile of Vitamin B tablets on the sofa. But when they discovered the empty valerian bottle they freaked. It was excellent!! One called the vet while the other got on the web and discovered valerian and dogs and liver failure all in the same sentence. Woo hoo that really got some action.

The short of it is the vet did some checking and called back after a tense wait and said "highly unlikely to affect my liver, may cause gastrointestinal upset especially combined with all the fish oil, and too late to bring me in for an injection to induce vomiting".

WHAT THE???!!!  Induced vomiting, are you joking? I had NO intention of things going that far! But the horrible vet did say 3 teaspoons of salt in water poured down my throat would induce vomiting and it was worth a try.

Oh the indignity! It was awful! And all that happened was I retched and hacked and brought up some gastric juices. The valerian capsules were long gone.

There was a silver lining though, my uprights were so worried that they decided I should sleep with them so they could monitor me. It was great. I slept on the bed and the floor and the bed and the floor and the bed and ........ you get the picture. I love the bed but it's hot so I needed to keep hopping off on the floor to cool down. My Dad says he didn't notice, my Mom was really tired and grumpy the next morning and kept muttering about valerian should have made me sleepy.

Well hears hoping I can sleep on and OFF the bed some more. Sleep well and think twice before you give your furkids valerian for insomnia.

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