Friday, December 31, 2010

Mum says we are a bunch of cripples.

Mum says we; that is me, Rastus and her are a bunch of cripples! Is that a cruel thing for her to say? I can't decide as she's included herself on the list but it sounds a bit mean to me.

I hurt my toenail AGAIN.

I can't help it, when I go to the park I feel the need for speed! So I run, run, run like the wind. And when I chase my squeakie ball and miss it I have to do very sharp turns so it doesn't escape. You know how sneakie those squeakie balls are, they'll escape in the blink of an eye. The vets think maybe that's how I do it. But I'm tough and I never cry when it happens so no one's sure.

Dad didn't notice but my Mum did. I think Mum's are just good at noticing stuff especially stuff that tells them if you're sick or injured. She notice me licking my foot when I got home from the walk and got Dad to check it out in case there was a prickle. Dad said it was fine but I kept licking so Mum got Dad to put me up where she can see my foot without bending. She's had an operation on her hip and is limping and isn't allowed to bend. And she found that I had split my nail and it was bleeding a bit.

I've done the same thing twice before and last time it took months of antibiotics and bathing my toe twice a day to get it better. So Mum sent me straight to the vet's just in case and he gave me antibiotics. It's lucky she did. By yesterday my toe was so sore I couldn't put my foot to the ground. So she phoned up the vet and Dad went and got some meds for me so I wouldn't have so much pain. I'm so glad they did because today I'm feeling so much better. It's even ok to take the antibiotics because they come with peanut butter. YUMMY I love peanut butter.

Back to the cripple story. Rastus ate too much people food at Christmas and got the itchies so he's been chewing his feet, especially the back right one and now he's limping. So every night Dad lifts us both up on the outdoor table one at a time so Mum can bath our feet. It seems an awful lot of bother but I guess Mum's sick of us being a bunch of cripples. :-)

I hope we're all fixed soon. I don't really like having my foot dunked in a tub and I don't like the smell of the toe stuff. But I get a treat after, so it could be worse. And I'm not a big wuss like Rastus, he kicks and wiggles and cringes like they're trying to cut his foot off. Such a sook!

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